Tharseo Counselling

+ Affirm Yoga


Yoga to embody and empower

Affirm Yoga offers a trauma-informed practice - intentionally designed to meet the needs of those seeking accessibility, compassion and the opportunity to 'come in'.

With a deep emphasis on connection and resiliency, Affirm Yoga seeks to provide tools to help navigate your journey - wherever that may lead. We believe that learning to fall is just as powerful as learning to take your first steps - and we offer a space for you to bring attention to that process. 

Queer friendly, radical and open to all - Affirm Yoga offers yoga to embody and empower.

BOdy + Mind

Our physical practice brings equal attention to mental health - partnering with Tharseo to offer a psycho-education element. Flowing through themes of identity, choice and perspective, Jillian Thompson encourages you to choose your own affirmation. 

Fostering the balance between physical and mental health is at the foundations of Affirm Yoga and what we strive to achieve. Discover ways to come into your body, find your voice, and choose your response. Stay tuned for news on upcoming practices and Affirm Yoga workshops near you.